
Thursday 14 March 2013


Target behaviour:
-Clean up after eating at HS Cafe.

Target group:
-Customers of HS Cafe.

Baseline measure:
-Take pictures of HS Cafe before and after the intervention.

Intervention programme:
-Set example to other people.
-Post banners and posters all over the HS Cafe.
-Telling our friends to clean up after themselves and asking them to tell their friends to do the same.
-Going around to each person and reminding them to clean up after themselves.
-Prepare place to dispose trash/plates.

Sunday 10 March 2013

The Fastest Way To A Man's Heart Is Through His Stomach

It was a day like any other. And like most days, there were routines. Alex, one of the most popular 16-year-old boys, had a routine in which he played football every evening after school. He loved football practice not only because of the sport, but because of the fact that he had his own personal cheerleaders; his classmates Stacy and Grace.
The two girls both had crushes on Alex and sought to win his affections by cheering him on at every game. But Stacy liked to bake and used her hobby to an advantage. She would frequently bake Alex his favourite dessert, moist chocolate cake. Having learned this, Grace gets jealous and began to do the same. With confectionary as a new competition ground for the two girls, their rivalry became bitterer than dark chocolate.
The girls baked their prized chocolate cake almost every day to see who would triumph over the other and win Alex’s heart. Sadly, although Grace’s cake was delicious, it could not compare the Stacy’s homemade magic. Alex absolutely loved it! It became a routine for him to eat Stacy’s chocolate cake every day. Their time together grew fonder, and their days together at school felt longer. Alex noticed that his heart skipped a beat every time he saw Stacy.
Alex eventually confesses his feelings to Stacy, which made her delighted, seeing as all her hard work had paid off. Grace was heartbroken and immediately moved to a different school, as the heartache was too much to bear. Alex and Stacy became one of the hottest items in school. Too often people would talk about how cute they looked together, especially when on their dates at the pier where they would feed each other chocolate cake while watching the sun set over the horizon.
Time passed and finals were coming around the corner, and Stacy’s mother urged her to concentrate on her studies. So Alex’s chocolate cake fix became less and less frequent till finally it stopped altogether, and had to be put on hold till the exams were over. At first, things seemed fine, but Alex started feeling bothered. Eventually his heart did not react the same way it first did whenever he saw Stacy. But the thoughts that spun about his head incessantly were about the chocolate cake she used to make for him.
And that was when Alex realised that he was not in love in Stacy all along, but her moist chocolate cake! And when her daily offerings of chocolate cake dwindled, so did Alex’s feelings for her. Not that Stacy really noticed. She just thought his mind was as busy with the impending exams as hers was. And even though they still saw each other every day, Alex just did not feel like he used to when they were first together. But once the exams were over, Stacy surprised Alex with a slice of chocolate cake to celebrate! He found his heart pounding once again, enjoying the cake his taste buds missed so much.
Back at home on the weekend, lying on his bed, Alex stared at the ceiling wondering what to do about how he was feeling. He looked to the side and spotted Stacy’s jacket on his study chair. She must have left it by accident the last time she came over. Her scent lingered in his room and Alex had sleepless nights because of it. The perfume she wore every day reminded him of the chocolate cake he so desperately craved for and thus made his heart beat profusely, and his stomach incredibly hungry. His desire for chocolate cake was insatiable.
Whenever Alex passed by the pier or saw the sunset, the first thing that entered his mind would be Stacy’s amazing chocolate cake. He reflected on this long and hard until he finally realised that he may not actually love Stacy, but as long as he wanted to be able to taste that incredible chocolate cake of hers, he could never bring himself to break up with her… FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.
And so, the routine carried on.